Get the missing hands on deck

Advance your startup with volunteer students from top universities. Pay with experience and mentor the next-get talent even on a tight budget.
Submit a project for FREE
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Our experience with Schwap was exceptional. Thanks to Schwap, we found top-notch interns who brought fresh perspectives and energy to our startup, helping us achieve our goals faster than ever. The Schwap team quickly helped us identify interns who fit seamlessly into our startup culture and contribute meaningfully to our projects.

Melinda B. Chu, M.D. M.B.A.

Auriva Health, Inc.
CEO & Co-Founder

Thanks to Schwap, we were able to hire student interns very fast while being on a limited budget. These students have been a huge help with tasks like handling our social media, creating content, and finding potential leads. The lead sourcing, in particular, went beyond our expectations, and we're excited to keep working with this student for the long haul.

Christopher Hugentobler


I loved the Schwap experience. Guglielmo is an outstanding problem solver and entrepreneurial mind who very quickly took ownership of the project and helped us create a web scraping and outreach program to gather leads, using his abilities in python and marketing. He is very committed and has helped us with his ideas to approach things in new ways. I'd recommend Schwap to any founder getting started to add students like Guglielmo in their early teams that can truly make the difference!'

Santiago Martinez Jaramillo

Futura Work
Talent Partner


Placement in projects

+ 150

STudents in SCHWAP

2 weeks

Average time to match
TOP Students

Ambitious, vetted students

We only select the best, most committed students to join Schwap, and we help them every step of the way to make sure they accomplish great work on schedule.

People collaborating at a table, filtered through a pink duotone
Pay with mentorship

Delivery in weeks, relationships for a life-time

Provide mentorship in return for a completed project in 3 to 6 weeks.

Commit at least 1 hour of mentorship time per week and build relationships that might score you the next hire.

People collaborating at a table, filtered through a neon green duotone
Project examples

Use Schwap to turn ideas into reality

Build an MVP

Transform your idea into a working product with CS majors
+ 50 Students available

Train an AI model

Harness the power of machine learning with top data science students.
+ 10 Students available

Design an idea

Visualise your concept in Figma with design students
+ 20 Students available

Kickstart socials

Get that Instagram, Tiktok and LinkedIn off the ground with communication and media students
+ 6 Students available

Market research

Gain valuable insights into your target market with assistance from market research student
+ 35 Students available

Customer outreach

Cultivate a loyal customer base using data management skills from management students
+ 30 Students available

Create a landing page

Establish a captivating online presence through web design by CS and design students
+ 15 Students available

User interviews

Get up close with users for valuable insights guided by business and social science students
+ 40 Students available

Redesign a brand

Elevate your brand's visual identity with the creative touch of design students."
+12 Students available
frequent questions


What is Schwap?

Schwap is a community marketplace where handpicked and vetted uni students do mini projects for top-tier founders in exchange for hands-on experience, compensation, mentorship, referrals, and real career capital.

How long is a Schwap?

Schwap is a project that usually lasts between 3-6 weeks. The duration of the project is determined by you and your needs. Over 70% of Schwap connections continue with long-term internships and full-time roles.

Are students paid?

Students volunteer their time for 3-6 weeks. Schwaps are always based on mutual exchange of value. In our case it's the work that's completed by a student in exchange for the mentorship of the founder or project lead. We require each founder or project lead to commit at least an hour of real mentorship per week.

How much does it cost?

We charge a flat fee of $149 per each successful match. Posting of a project is for free.

What projects are suitable for Schwap?

The best Schwap projects are the ones that take things from 0 to 1. Often these are tasks and projects for which there is just not enough time in the busy lives of startup founders. From exploring a potential market to building a simple MVP, startups have found success in various ways using Schwap.

How experienced and dedicated are the students?

We pride ourselves on working with vetted students from top universities from winners of Math olympiads to published authors.

While their work experience might be limited, the effort and eagerness to learn more than compensates for it. They are here to accelerate their career and make the best impact possible.

Can I hire the students after Schwap?

Totally! Over 70% of the startups end up extending the working relationship with the students beyond the initial period. We encourage you to reevaluate the engagement at that point and set expectations for both parties anew.

Are you an Ambitious student?

You deserve to learn, earn, and get ahead in your career.

Explore opportunities!